Welcome to Dr. Sarah Sjovold’s website.

_mg_0138-squareAs a Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Sjovold strives to create a medical practice where both alternative and complementary medicine are integrated to provide safe, effective, evidence-based healthcare to patients of all ages.

Dr. Sjovold is committed to:
bullet grey  building a trusting, collaborative doctor-patient relationship with you
bullet grey  providing you with individualized patient care based on the most relevant, research-driven, natural healthcare available today
bullet grey  presenting the best treatment options that meet your immediate health needs as well as your long term goals while considering affordability of care
bullet grey  educating and encouraging you to practice principles of healthy living that support a
lifetime of well-being
Book Your Appointment Today



“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
– Thomas A. Edison

Photo credits: Rodion Kutsaev, via unsplash.com (header); © Bernard Gelb (Dr. Sjovold)